Optimal Birth Outcome & The First Time Mom Unit at the Delgado Clinic

Every pregnant woman deserves proper medical care and attention. I still remember when we provide maternal and child education to communities to give health teaching about pregnancy and motherhood. A week ago, I attended a seminar about Optimal Birth Outcome at Dr. Jesus Delgado Memorial Hospital in Kamuning, Quezon City.

JDMH is one of the oldest hospitals in the city with specialization and maternal and child care, both normal deliveries, C-section and high risk pregnancies.

What is OBO?

Optimal Birth Outcome (OBO) is achieved when there is zero or reduced birth complications. Jesus Delgado Clinic does this by providing added-value services by paying close attention to the needs of every individual mother.

OBO has 5 parts:

  • Nutrition
  • Biotransformation and Elimination (Detoxification)
  • Stress Management
  • Exercise and Movement
  • Sleep Management 

First time moms and mothers were invited to a 3-Saturday workshop which started on January 20, January 27 and February 3. The seminar is free, interested participants just need to register by texting their numbers at 0995-771-6522.

OBO Day 1 Workshop:

I attended the Day 1 workshop last Saturday. Dr. discussed the importance of Detoxification, this is the 2nd phase of OBO which is Biotransformation and Elimination.

The message is simple, it is important to eliminate all the toxins we have in our body prior to getting pregnant. The speaker started by asking these questions:

1. Did you sleep late last night?
2. Did you use fragrant shampoo this morning?
3. Did you apply body cologne or perfume?
4. How many types of cosmetics did you use today?

A lot of women uses an average of 12 cosmetics per day. There's nothing wrong with taking care of our body and looking good. It makes us more confident and presentable. Unfortunately, many cosmetics in the market have toxins that could harm us and our babies. These toxins that accumulates in our body could affect the growing fetus.

How do we detoxify? The answer is simple, just eliminate the toxins. Women who are planning to get pregnant must avoid cosmetics with harsh ingredients.

  1. Choose paraben-free, all-natural personal care products. 
  2. Hydrate
  3. Exercise
  4. Enough sleep and rest.
  5. Avoid places that are polluted and too crowded
After the detoxification, they also showed us recommended exercises for pregnant women. One thing that you should remember is to avoid weigh-bearing exercises. You should also consult your doctor and know if you are okay to do exercises.

We were also invited to tour around the hospital and check out their First Time Mom Unit. It's the first facility in the country that is specially designed to answer the concerns of soon-to-be first time Moms. The unit provides free seminar and classes on the health benefits of Optimal Birth Outcome for both baby and mother. Membership is free, I also received my First Time Mom Unit Access Card. There were sample products from Johnson & Johnson.

You too can also join us this coming Saturday, January 27 and on February 3. Learn about the benefits of OBO and meet moms and moms-to-be. See you there! 


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