Zero Kuto (Head Lice) with Kwell
Did you know that head lice is one of the most common ailment among public school children aged 7-12 years old?
Based on DepEd data, almost 9M or 84% of students are afflicted with head lice. It may seems like a minor problem but it has great impact on children's health and low self-confidence causing frequent school absences.
Based on DepEd data, almost 9M or 84% of students are afflicted with head lice. It may seems like a minor problem but it has great impact on children's health and low self-confidence causing frequent school absences.
Earlier, mommy bloggers were invited to share their thoughts about head lice (kuto) or Pediculosis in an intimate event was hosted by mommy Sherilyn Reyes Tan and was graced by Aspen Philippines, makers of Kwell shampoo.
Dr Gwen Amura presented some facts about head lice. She also discussed the recommended treatment for head lice, stressing the importance of proper hygiene.

• Lice can move very quickly, up to 30cm per minute. With 6 claws, lice move faster so it's really hard to catch them • • • Lice do not jump, fly or swim, they just crawl.
• Head lice are small about the size of sesame seeds while the eggs are called nits.
• Nits are cemented to the hair, they survive within 2 days.
• Lice are mostly found in warmer areas of the head especially on the scalp and at the back of ears.
Kwell medicated shampoo for Head Lice:
Kwell medicated shampoo for Head Lice:
Treatment of head lice is to eradicate it by using medicated shampoo intended to kill head lice. Kwell (Permethrin) is the leading and most trusted medicated shampoo for treatment of head lice and their eggs.
How to Use Kwell: .
1. Wet the hair
2. Shake the bottle/open the sachet. Place an ample amount of Kwell shampoo and lather it to the hair thoroughly. Spread it to all parts of the head, hair, scalp, and even to the back of the ears and neck.
3. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly
4. Dry the hair using the towel
Other members of the family with lice should also be treated but make sure there is evident of head lice. Do not use Kwell if you are just suspecting the presence of lice.
Kwell promises to remove lice in one use but for people with massive head lice, you may re-apply Kwell.
Isang Hugas, Kuto Todas!
Aspen Philippines aims to eradicate head lice in the Philippines thus they launched "Kwella sa Es-Kwella at Komunidad prgram. Kwell will be visiting different schools, communities, and grassroot areas to give lectures about head lice. The camapaign aims to spread awareness on the causes, eradication, and prevention of head lice among children and their families.
Watch out for Kwella sa Es-kwella in your areas. You may also visit their page and joun the campaign para Healthy, Happy, Batang Pinoy with Kwell shampoo.
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