Wanted: Mom Bloggers. :)

Yes, Mommy Bloggers are wanted in Mommy Manila. :)

Aside from hosting this "mom blog by a non-mom," it's no secret to those who know Mommy Manila personally that I also do organize blogger events from time to time. And mom bloggers are close to my heart as more than half of my blogger events specially host mombloggers.

As my clients increase, demand for mombloggers also rise with them. Although most of my momblogger events are intimate (few mombloggers only), I forsee bigger mom blogger events in the near future. And to be ready with these, feel free to register your details below if you are a mom blogger. Fields indicated with red "*" are required as I see these info necessary in identifying a mombloggers' fit for very targetted events (ie: an event for mombloggers with daughters aged 5 to 9yrs of age only).

Check out our Facebook page as well: Mommy Manila on Facebook.

It should be noted however that logic dictates we cannot everyone everytime, of course. So just maintain your quality momblogger content as clients prefer them. Happy Blogging!


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